Music is something that has always been a constant in my life. It’s what I’d turn to when I felt alone. Music was always there for me, it’s an outlet for self-expression, releasing my vulnerability, feeling emotions, and something that brings me joy. Music keeps me sane through the mundane day to day work life. During the pandemic, it was a dark place to be with all the emotions running through my mind, the anxieties, depression, and loneliness. I’d turn to music as my self-therapy to find inner peace.
As I was feeling alone during these times, another constant for me are dogs. Dogs have played a role in finding my inner peace. I have had dogs my whole life and they have shaped the person that I am today. They teach us unconditional love, bring us joy, they remind us to live in the present, and they mirror a reflection of ourselves through our love. The love that we need to give back to ourselves.
I wanted to honor that with my upcoming EP. “masterpeace” takes you through a collection of thoughts in life, of finding my inner peace, things my inner child would want me to hear, notes to self, self-reflection, self-love, be conscious in the present, and be more gentle with yourself. I share my vulnerability with you as a reminder that it’s okay to cry and release. Balancing art and going through imposter syndrome as an artist can dull your niche. Mastering peace in your mind is the journey we go through in life and one that has lead me to create and express as I master peace through musical expression. Creating this EP brought me to a place of healing, joy, and safety in chaos. I hope that you too can find your inner peace with what brings you joy.